How to buy Bitcoin (btc)

 Buy Bitcoin (btc)

There are several ways to buy virtual money: 

1. To invest in bitcoin in the cryptocurrency exchanges. In order to start investing in bitcoin, you should open an account in the cryptocurrency exchange and top it up with funds. Importantly, cryptocurrency exchanges charge an average 3-5% commission for the account replenishment.


2. To use the exchange services - that is, to buy/sell digital assets for cash, as well as by means of a wire transfer or an online payment system. In exchange offices, the commission is usually up to 3%. In this case, you still have to register a wallet on a cryptocurrency exchange or open an account on a trading platform.

3. To buy cyber money from a private seller. For example, to buy cryptocurrency from other owners for cash. However, this is the least safe way of buying e-money. A prospective investor risks being faced with a scammer who is likely to exchange

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