📍Google handles about 1 billion search queries every day and because of this, it releases 200 tons of CO2 every day, i.e. 7600kg of CO2 every hour.
📍Initial public offering of Google took place on August 19, 2004.
📍Facebook: Every minute there are 150,000 messages sent
📍Ubuntu is one of the more popular distributions of Linux. The word Ubuntu comes from an African word meaning “I am because of you”.
📍During an average working day, the distance covered by the fingers of a typist is around 12.6 miles, which is approximately 20 km and its a lot more than what we expected.
📍Largest network of translators in the word is owned by Google.
📍CD’s (Compact discs) read from the inside to the outside edge, which is the reverse of how records work.
📍40% of Twitter users don’t tweet. They read news, click links and follow accounts.
📍Did you know that the total revenue for the company is US$59.82 billion for the year 2013.
📍When the first specimen of Apple iPod was shown to Steve jobs, he tried to prove it by using Air Bubbles by putting it in the Aquarium and there is still empty space in it and can be made small on it.
📍Steve Jobs had only taken 1 dollar as a salary for the last 15 years at Apple Company. Despite this, the total capital of Steve jobs was more than $ 7 billion and the largest shareholder of the company.
📍DroneX is a new mini-drone that is perfect for any beginner in the world of drones. It is compact, relatively cheap and is just the size of an average Smartphone.
📍In 2007 Google started planning to release its own mobile phone, as a competitor to Apple’s iPhone. This project is called Android, which is an operating system for mobiles.
📍Facebook adds 500,000 new users every day; 6 new profiles every second.
📍Google launched Android operating system in November 5, 2007, which is a Linux based software system.
📍If you Google and Search 52.376553 Or 5.198303, you will see - "A Man Dragging a Dead Body into Lake".
📍US$50 billion is the annual revenue for Google in the year 2012. Google announced it on January 2013.
📍A recent study showed that the more selfies you share on social media, the less likeable you become.
📍Users spend 21 minutes per day on average on Facebook
📍Google discovered that there was around 6 types of email users by using it internally for nearly 2 years prior to launch in public.
📍The key to a positive social media experience is moderation. Limiting the amount of time spent on social media and balancing it with real life social interactions can help protect your mental health.
📍If you’re feeling vulnerable or are spending too much time on social media, it might be worth taking a break for a bit or setting aside some time each day to do something else like reading a book or doing some physical exercise.
📍Very advertisement on the Apple iPhone is shown at 9:41
📍The concept of the doodle was born even before the company was incorporated.
📍There are 241 million monthly active users for Twitter.
📍Social media can lead to fear of missing out(FOMO).FOMO is a phenomenon that occurs when you feel pressure to be doing what everyone else is doing, attending every event, and share every life experience. It can evoke anxiety and disconnection with the real world.
📍The prime reason that Google’s home page is bare, due to the fact that the founders of Google want a quick interface and don’t know HTML.
📍Google rents out goats from a company called California Grazing to help cut down the amount of weeds and brush at Google HQ!
📍Mark Zuckerberg suffers from red-green colour-blindness. This is why Facebook’s primary colour scheme is blue.
📍One of the Oldest Websites on the internet is "IMDb". and began on Usenet in 1990 as a list of “actresses with beautiful eyes.”
📍The very first domain name registered was www.symbolics.com, on the 15th March, 1985.
📍Spam creates so much energy by producing 17 million tonnes of CO2 that 24 lakh houses have electricity for 1 year.
📍Women had higher response-rates when they made eye-contact with the camera and looked flirty. Conversely, the least successful pictures for women were looking away with flirty faces on social media apps.
📍Facebook: There are 500,000 Facebook “likes” every minute
📍Apple has approximately 83,000 employees in the world. Apple headquarters employees earn $ 125,000 each year. The Apple company earns $ 300,000 every 1 minute.
📍The creators of the PNG file format wanted it to be pronounced as ‘ping’.
📍TIME Magazine named the computer the “Man of the Year” in 1982.
📍Facebook took 2 years to reach a market audience of 50 million.
📍The English word for red panda is ‘Firefox’ which is where the browser gets its name from – this means the Firefox logo is actually a red panda, not a fox!
📍80% of world leaders use Twitter.
📍Google rents goats, this isn’t a joke!. Google rents them to cut the amount of weed.Twitter was incorporated on April 19, 2007.
📍Twitter was incorporated on April 19, 2007.
📍Using your phone while it is on charge can damage the battery; this is why the leads for the chargers are so short.
📍Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, was the first major investor to back Facebook.
📍HTC’s dream was to create the first Android phone.
📍IBM's first supercomputer (the 305 RAMAC). This gargantuan thing had a hard drive which was capable of storing 5MB of data and weighed over a ton.
📍During the first live iPhone presentation, Steve Jobs had to frequently switch phones behind his desk. Otherwise, it would run out of RAM and crash.
📍Except Android 1.0 and 1.1, all the other Android versions are named after sweet treats like Jelly Bean, Ice Cream Sandwich, Honeycomb to name a few.
📍Why we share on social media. Passing information on is an impulse that we’re hard-wired with. Just the thought of sharing activates our brain’s reward centres, even before we’ve done a thing.
📍Z.stanford.edu and google.stanford.edu are the names with which Google ran at Stanford School of Engineering which is an attempt to analyze and catalogue the world wide web.
📍Apple’s first logo was Newton’s picture. Not only this Apple’s one product name was also Newton. Before the iPhone’s arrival, Apple used to sing the same quality of the product. But as soon as the iPhone came, Jobs ended the relationship between Apple and Newton.
📍The radio took 38 years to reach a market audience of 50 million. The television took 13 years and the iPod only took 3 years to reach a market audience of 50 million.
📍Filipinos love social networking. Among adult internet users in the Philippines, 93% say that they use social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter.
📍Steve jobs sold his Volkswagen and Steve Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard scientific calculator to raise the capital for their new company.
📍The name Google was created accidentally. A spelling error was made by the original founders who were under the impression they were going for Googol.
📍95116 years, this is the time it will take for you to do a manual search 50 billion web pages of Google, at one minute a page.
📍Technophobia is the fear of technology, Nomophobia is the fear of being without a mobile phone, Cyberphobia is the fear of computers.
📍60% of LinkedIn members have clicked one of their adverts.
📍56% of the internet users Google about themselves
📍Originally, the design for the first iPhone was literally the shape of an apple.
📍Facebook: Every 15 minutes there are over 49 million posts. To be precise 49,433,000 or 3 million posts per minute
📍Spam mail got its name from the canned meat after a Monty Python skit that made fun of Spam as tasting “horrible and being ubiquitous and inescapable.”
📍The Android operating system was developed by Android Inc., in 2004 backed by Google. Later Google bought it in 2005 at a price of $50 million.
📍The increasing in social media used over the last ten years is almost equal among females and males but the negative effect on mental health seems to afflict females more than males.
📍Klingon was added as a Google language option in 2002.
📍23% of accounts are from U.S. Rest 77% are from rest of the world.
📍In a group chat look at a person's foot, it will be towards the person who he/she is interested in.
📍30% of internet users use Facebook more than once a day.
📍A new method of delivering data called 'Li-Fi' has been tested that delivers speeds 100 times faster than current Wi-Fi.
📍Facebook released a bounty program. In this, if you can find the bug in the Facebook, they will pay you from $500 to $10,000 depending upon the seriousness of the issue.
📍100,000+ Twitter applications are present.
📍Despite your personal feelings about the app, it's hard to argue with the cultural impact it's had on millennials and online dating.
📍Facebook stores approximately 300 PETABYTES of user data on its servers.
📍More people have their own mobile than many people in the world who have their own Toothbrush.
📍86% of people try to plug their USB devices upside down
📍Amazon is actually a company selling the printed book but today we see, more than it sells e-books.
📍Social media makes us restless and more lazy.
📍Google’s annual income is greater than 50 billion dollars.
📍The very first Apple logo featured Sir Isaac Newton sitting underneath a tree, with an apple about to hit his head.
📍Spending 1 hour a day on Social Media reduces the probability of a child being completely happy with their life by 14%.
📍The name "Microsoft" is a combination of 'MICROprocessor' & 'Software'.
📍Many employees of Google became instant millionaires when Google went public
📍75% of recruiters have 100 Twitter followers or lesser.
📍The 30th of November is known as “Computer Security Day“.
📍Something our brains really want: the opportunity for what’s called “seeking behaviour.” We’re born hunter-gatherers, and in a way, social media activates that instinct and gives you an emotional buzz.
📍Apple paid more than $200 Million for "Siri" to get into Mobile Search in 2011.
📍There are 1 billion mobile app links enabled on Facebook
📍Apple Macbook’s battery can also save you from gunshot because it is Bulletproof.
📍20% of all YouTube videos are related to music.
📍The top in-demand jobs that barely existed 10 years ago are Digital Marketing, Cloud Specialist, Social Media Intern, Fintech Manager, IOS and Android Developer, Uber Driver, Data Scientist, Big Data Architect, Transformation Manager.
📍9% is the share of overall selfies that are shared on social media.
📍Apple scored big time with the iPod. The creator, Tony Fadell had originally offered the device to both Real Networks and Philips. Both companies turned it down.
📍All electrical devices have fuses in them. Fuses are essentially fire-breakers. If there is a power surge, the fuse will break, preventing any damage or fire.
📍"ALASKA" is the only geographical state whose name can be typed on the keyboard using only one row.
📍Stressage is a common internet slang term that best describes a text or message that causes you emotional pain and or stress.
📍Over 37% of organizations have implemented artificial intelligence in some form. The number of industries that have implemented it has grown by 270% since 2015.
📍Android is Andy Rubin who is the co-creator of Android, it was the name given to him at Apple before joining Google, for his obsession and love for robots.
📍Apple have a ‘no smoking’ ban regarding their computers, which means if you smoke while using an Apple computer, you void the warranty.
📍Instagram photos with warm hues, higher contrast, and higher exposure increase chances of receiving views and comments.
📍More than 35 languages are supported by Twitter.
📍Recently some core Google services went down for 5 minutes which lead to a drop of 40% of worldwide internet traffic.
📍Life's not about people who act true to your face. It's about the people who remain true behind your back.
📍You spend more time on social media than you realize due to harmonical happiness caused by chemicals of conscious mind.
📍In 1983, Apple launched its Lisa line of computers. It failed. Word is that around 2,700 of the devices are buried in a landfill in Utah.
📍On average there are 486,183 users a minute accessing Facebook from their mobile
📍Many times, people turn to social media for a break — they are looking to get away from what they have been doing for a little while. Their expectation is a relaxing, entertaining or recreational experience after which they will feel good.
📍Larry Page and Sergey Brin together own 16 percent of its shares, who founded Google while they were Ph.D. Students at Stanford University on September 4, 1998.
📍Google is internet’s most visited website according to Alexa.
📍Human with a robot appearance is the meaning of the word Android. It refers to a male robot. Gynoid is the female looking robot.
📍Google operates 70 offices in more than 40 countries.
📍The first banner ads on any website were shown in 1994.
📍Nokia was founded in 1865 and its primary business was manufacturing paper. Nokia’s first mobile phones were released in the 1980’s.
📍In general, people tend to read as much as 10% slower from a screen than from paper.Facebook generates $1.4 million in revenue every hour
📍Young adults that use social media the most are the ones most deprived and desiring of a healthy social life. They tend to gravitate towards social media hoping to fill a void but don't find it there.
📍1024 Gigabytes is equal to 1 Terabyte. 1024 Terabytes is equal to 1 Petabyte, and 1 Petabyte can hold 13.3 years of HD-TV video.
📍Apple is so successful, it has twice the amount of money than the U.S. Treasury.
📍In 2016, the total weight of the electronic waste produced globally was 44.7 billion tons! This waste includes unused mobile phones, computer equipment, and accessories.
📍Most of the active users for Twitter are from mobile, which is 76%.
📍Electronic computers were developed around the 1940s and were the size of a large room. Today, computers have gotten so small that they have been embedded into other things like microwaves, toys, cell phones, etc.
📍In the US, out of all the people getting married, approximately 20% met through online dating. This means that every one of five couple met through online resources.
📍HTC Dream or T-Mobile G1 is the first ever Smartphone to run on the Android operating system, this mobile phone was released in the year 2008.
📍The original URL for Yahoo was http://akebono.stanford.edu
📍According to an estimate, the total number of devices connected to the internet by the year 2025 is going to be 51 Billion.
📍37% of consumers use Siri, 23% use Microsoft’s Cortana AI, and 19% use Amazon’s Alexa AI at least monthly.
📍28% of IT professionals hide their career from friends and family to get out of giving free tech support.